Chinese Fashion Fringe winner, Haizhen Wang, customed this pavilion with pearly gloss as a decoration for her newly opened showroom in Shanghai. Printing such a large model must involve using industrial FDM 3D printers.
Step 1: Split the 3D model according to the structure. Examine the model to ensure all the parts can be printed successfully.
Step 2: Arrange the placement of all the split parts in the slicer software and add supports. And we also add a raft so the parts can be take off from the platform easier.
Step 3: 3D print all the parts with FDM PLA. Watch from the monitor to ensure the printing process works smoothly.
Step 4: When printing is finished, cut off the supports, put the green parts into a glass container that has enough acetone. Close the container lid for 10-20 minutes so that the vapor can melt the outer layer of the parts. Then wash them and let them dry.
Step 5: Try to assemble all the parts together, then package them with wooden boxes.