Young girls are crazy with princess Elsa and Anna ever since the Disney Animation Frozen has been released. Among all the related props and toys, this suit of mirror and comb sells well. For low-volume production, we recommend firstly 3D printing the master pattern and then manufacture with the urethane casting process.
Step 1: Check the STL files, add the supporting structures, and then 3D print the master patterns with SLA Generic Resin. We set a layer thickness of 0.05mm so the model can be very detailed.
Step 2: Carefully do the post-process as the accuracy of the master patterns will affect the casted products.
Step 3: The urethane casting process uses a master pattern and silicone mold to deliver high-quality, short-run parts.
Step 4: Adjust the details of the statue with grater and sandpaper. Spray with putty and then comes fine-painting.
Step 5: Assemble them together with the mirrors and combs.
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