The original mud flap & splash guard of the tricycle was broken, and it was hard to buy a spare part on the market. So the owner tried making a new one with his desktop FDM 3D printer. FDM Nylon 12 Carbon Fiber (Nylon 12CF) combines nylon 12 and chopped carbon fiber to achieve the highest flexural strength and stiffness-to-weight ratio of any FDM material. The printed mud flap is strong enough to withstand little stones.
Step 1: 3D scan the unbroken mud flap, and repair the 3D model till it’s good for printing.
Step 2: Add supporting structure and arrange the placement, export the file to the 3D printer.
Step 3: Load the Nylon 12CF filament and start printing.
Step 4: Cut off the supports, polish with sandpaper, then spray with UV oil.