
How medical device companies use AM for production today part 7: FabRx Medical

Welcome to this month’s AM Focus: Medical. For the entire month of February, we are going to zoom in on the many possibilities that additive manufacturing is offering today to medical companies. In this article, we’re giving you a dose of FabRx, a pharmaceutical biotech company that develops pharmaceutical 3D printers and 3D printed tablets. Upcoming articles in the AM Focus will span innovative startups to giant multinational corporations, all of which are using AM in exciting ways. At the end of the month all the best content will be featured in 3dpbm’s Medical AM Focus 2020 eBook.


Aspect Biosystems and the restorative capacity of bioprinting today Bioprinting

The medical AM segment is multifaceted, consisting of 3D printed medical devices, anatomical models, prosthetics and more. Within the industry, bioprinting has carved out a prominent position, gaining interest across the board for its huge potentials in drug development and screening, therapeutic treatments and regenerative medicine, to name but a few. While much of the excitement surrounding bioprinting is focused on the future—what it could do—we want to look at what is happening now in the field that is exciting.


How medical companies use AM for production today, part 6: Zimmer Biomet and OPM Medical

3dpbm’s AM Focus Medical continues to zoom in on the many possibilities that additive manufacturing is offering today to medical companies. We are now taking a closer look at Zimmer Biomet additive manufacturing, which includes the global distribution (exclusive in the US) of unique PEKK 3D printed implants by Oxford Performance Materials. In the previous episodes, we looked at other giants such as Stryker, J&J and Lima Corporate as well as interesting SMEs and startups. Upcoming episodes will continue to include many different types of players in this segment, ranging from highly innovative startups and SMEs to giant multinational corporations. At the end of the month, all the best content will be featured in 3dpbm’s Medical AM Focus 2020 eBook.


Biogelx and the role of bioinks in bioprinting today Bioprinting

The medical AM segment is multifaceted, consisting of 3D printed medical devices, anatomical models, prosthetics and more. Within the industry, bioprinting has carved out a prominent position, gaining interest across the board for its huge potentials in drug development and screening, therapeutic treatments and regenerative medicine, to name but a few. While much of the excitement surrounding bioprinting is focused on the future—what it could do—we want to look at what is happening now in the field that is exciting.


How medical device companies use AM for production today part 5: Lazarus 3D Medical

Welcome to this month’s AM Focus: Medical. For the entire month of February, we are going to zoom in on the many possibilities that additive manufacturing is offering today to medical companies. In this article, we investigate Lazarus 3D, a specialist in soft 3D printed medical models that can be cut and sutured just like real organs. Upcoming articles in the AM Focus will span innovative startups to giant multinational corporations, all of which are using AM in exciting ways. At the end of the month all the best content will be featured in 3dpbm’s Medical AM Focus 2020 eBook.


RegenHU and the role of iPSCs in bioprinting today Bioprinting

The medical AM segment is multifaceted, consisting of 3D printed medical devices, anatomical models, prosthetics and more. Within the industry, bioprinting has carved out a prominent position, gaining interest across the board for its huge potentials in drug development and screening, therapeutic treatments and regenerative medicine, to name but a few. While much of the excitement surrounding bioprinting is focused on the future, we want to look at what is happening now in the field that is exciting.


3DCERAM-SINTO ceramics AM technology used to develop next gen X-ray imaging Additive Manufacturing

3DCERAM-SINTO‘s advanced ceramics 3D printing technology will be used in the European project H2020 NEXIS to develop the next generation of X-ray imaging systems. The project, dubbed NEXIS (Next Generation X-ray Imaging System) consists in a photonics driven breakthrough in image quality and functionality of an interventional X-ray system that will allow performing stroke diagnosis directly in the interventional suite. This could have a significant impact in terms of enhanced workflows, reduced diagnosis & treatment time (up to 50% time reduction) saving more lives and reducing healthcare costs.


How medical companies use AM for production today, part 4: Johnson & Johnson Medical

For our AM Focus Medical this month we continue to zoom in on the many possibilities that additive manufacturing is offering today to medical companies. We are now taking a closer look at the impact on this segment from Johnson & Johnson additive manufacturing activities. In the previous episodes, we looked at one of the largest companies to operate in this segment, like Stryker and Lima as well as interesting SMEs and startups, like Osseus and FabRx. Upcoming episodes will continue to include many different types of players in this segment, ranging from highly innovative startups and SMEs to giant multinational corporations. At the end of the month all the best content will be featured in 3dpbm’s Medical AM Focus 2020 eBook.