DQBD Evolves Cycling Saddle Production Workflow with SAF

DQBD Evolves Cycling Saddle Production Workflow with SAF

German design company DQBD is leveraging the Stratasys H350 3D printer to produce personalized cycling saddles that offer a higher level of comfort and performance efficiency compared to regular versions. DQBD is additively manufacturing several of the saddle’s load-bearing parts at scale, saving thousands of euros in costs and cutting lead times from months to just several days compared to traditional molding methods.

Sarco 3D Printed Suicide Pod Passes Legal Review

Sarco 3D Printed Suicide Pod Passes Legal Review

And that’s why you really should never say never in 3D printing. When Sarco was introduced a couple of years ago as a 3D printed assisted suicide pod to simplify euthanasia we wrote that off as a publicity—or at most an artistic—stunt (so much so that we did not even cover the story). But we should not have written it off. Now the Sarco pod has been OK’d by the Swiss authorities (one of the first nations to legalize euthanasia).

3D Printed Ice-cream Bar Riso Paradiso Opens in Sicily

3D Printed Ice-cream Bar Riso Paradiso Opens in Sicily

Hidden away a few hundred meters from Acireale’s Duomo, in this small town near Catania, in Sicily, a new ice cream and cocktail bar just opened, offering some of the most creative hand-made ice cream flavors that you can imagine. From Campari grapefruit to ricotta and black vanilla (just to start), the Riso Paradiso bar wants to deliver a unique sensory experience leveraging Sicily’s unique tradition in ice-cream making. These innovative flavors, however, are not the only reason why Riso Paradiso stands out. What makes the bar truly unique and different from any other ice cream parlor anywhere in the world is that just about everything in its interior and exterior decor is 3D printed, making it the first almost entirely 3D printed ice-cream bar.