3D printed robot swabs patients’ throats for Covid-19 Robotics

3D printed robot swabs patients’ throats for Covid-19 Robotics

Robotics researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have developed the world’s first fully automatic robot to carry out throat swabs for Covid-19. The 3D printed robot swabs (perhaps even using 3D printed swabs) the patients so that healthcare professionals are not exposed to the risk of infection. The prototype has successfully performed throat swabs on several people and is now set to go into operation by late June.


3D scanning app generates customized 3D printed mask fitter 3D Scanning Sevices

We’ve seen countless versions of 3D printed face shields and masks for COVID-19, and many have their merits and are making a real difference on the ground. The latest design that has been brought to our attention stands out for a particular reason: it is customizable. A team from 3D scanning specialist Bellus3D recently teamed up with Rhode Island-based 3D printing service R&D Technologies to fine tune and scale production of the personalized 3D printed face mask fitter.