This client took her daughter's doodle very seriously and turned it into real toy bags with our SLA 3D printing technology! She is an architect and can build the 3D model by herself. The bags have open mouths, but they are not moveable so cannot be used as real bags. The white resin bags are just like a blank canvas, can be painted by the child.
Step 1: When the client designs the models, our engineer advises the patterns on the bags should be extruded more than 2mm thick so they will look obvious after printing. The client then decides to set the extrusion height as 5mm.
Step 2: Arrange the placement of all the models properly to print them all in one batch. As the bags are hollowed, we need to add supports inside and outside.
Step 3: Print the models with SLA 3D printing technology using SLA Generic Resin. This material is cheap and suitable for fine detailed display model with a smooth surface.
Step 4: Wash the green parts with IPA to get rid of excess materials and remove some of the supports. Then post-cure them and polish with sandpaper.