Watch the 3D Printed Floraform Chandelier by Nervous System Grow (Video) AM Software

Watch the 3D Printed Floraform Chandelier by Nervous System Grow (Video) AM Software

The Floraform Chandelier was created for Artists & Robots, an exhibit running from June 10 to September 10, 2017 as part of the World Expo in Astana. This is the largest 3D-printed piece that Nervous System has made to date. Spanning 3.6 feet, the Floraform Chandelier is an undulating flower-like surface composed of ten branching structures made of 3D-printed nylon. The large yet airy design casts a dense forest of shadows that envelop the viewer in an environment of algorithmically grown plant forms.

Microsoft Releases Part & Remixes Update to Its Remix 3D Modeling App AM Software

Microsoft Releases Part & Remixes Update to Its Remix 3D Modeling App AM Software

Last October, Microsoft revealed its vision of bringing 3D to everyone, making it easy to create, remix and share in 3D. With the release of the Windows 10 Creators Update, this vision became a reality with Paint 3D and the community. The company is now showing the new capabilities in Remix 3D – Parts and Remixes – an all new way to experience the relationship between 3D content and see how it can transform and take new life when shared with a creative community.


Is the ONO Smartphone 3D Printer for Real or Just a Good Story? 3D Printer Hardware

On 3DPMN we’ve expressed our doubts on the ONO (formerly OLO) 3D printer before as much as we’ve also highlighted the realistic aspects of this project (and even published a video of it running). However it seems that the hyped-up, Kickstarter-funded, smartphone 3D printer, which collected over $2.3 million during it’s crowd-funding run, is several months late (close to two years, according to some). Although delays may be understandable for any Kickstarter project, many of the backers are beginning to lose their patience.


Simplify3D 4.0 Launches with Variable Print Settings and Much More AM Software

As Simplify3D enters its fifth year the company is launching a major update of its CAM software, very popular among the newest generation of professional desktop 3D printing adopters. Presented as one of Simplify 3D’s largest releases yet, Simplify3D 4.0 implements many of the most popular feature requested by the community. New features in the software will provide even more control over the printing process and help unlock new capabilities from your 3D printer.