
Mixed Reality Devices Are On the Way to the Mass Market, How Will You Mix Your Reality? AM Software

While also used in research and university contexts, “mixed reality” is Microsoft’s term for their new holographic computing line associated with the Hololens. It’s also the term used by the increasingly less-stealthy startup Magic Leap. HP calls it “blended reality”; Autdoesk refers to it as “reality computing”; and 3D Systems uses the phrase “digital thread”. But all of these terms are meant to represent the emerging 3D ecosystem.


Stolen 3D Models on Sale, What Can Designers Do to Protect Their IP’s? AM Software

A few days ago I spoke with Simone Fontana, who is part of a new generation of 3D designers, born with 3D printing in mind. He pointed out an issue that has been happening for some time but is now reaching worrying proportions: that of stolen 3D designs sold for a profit. How can designers protect themselves and what are the implication of a phenomenon which we could define is basically a form of “person to person IP theft”?


3D Printed Art Is Coming of Age as MakersForArt 3D Print Caravaggio’s “Flagellation of Christ” AM Software

It is not our intention to compare ourselves to Caravaggio. It would only be presumptuous, to say the least. However, we would like to explain the tremendous and demanding work of modelling (and not just that!) that was carried out to replicate the Flagellation of Christ in 3D and how this goes a long way to demonstrate that 3D printed art is coming of age.