Luxexcel 3D Printing and Smart Glasses, A Clear Match

Luxexcel 3D Printing and Smart Glasses, A Clear Match

Netherlands-based Luxexcel is a pioneer of 3D printed lenses. The company’s proprietary technology—first developed over a decade ago—stands on a strong foundation of optic, material, process and, of course, 3D printing expertise. Today, Luxexcel remains the only company to have developed a 3D printing process for creating prescription lenses.

A Cobbler in the Machine: Voxeljet’s Coral Runner

A Cobbler in the Machine: Voxeljet’s Coral Runner

In 1827, The Book of English Trades summarized the cobbler’s profession: “There are few trades more useful than that of a shoe-maker, and, perhaps, not many that are more profitable, when it is carried on to a considerable extent.” We have largely forgotten this profession as, two hundred years on, the cobbler has been replaced by mass production. Additive manufacturing, however, promises a return in some ways to the personalized shoe of earlier extraction. Such a return, as with many things relating to AM, makes mechanisms and their operators artisans.