GRDXKN, a 4D printed textile solution by Bastian Müller Consumer Products

GRDXKN, a 4D Printed Textile Solution by Bastian Müller

GRDXKN (pronounced GRIDSKIN) is a 4D printing solution offered by Bastian Müller, based in Munich, Germany. It is a functional textile printing technology that is lightweight and highly flexible. The integrated, volume-forming material is test-proven to be abrasion-resistant and shock-absorbent – creating a novel interplay between graphics and structure and a balance between design and function.

Stratasys introduces J850 TechStyle 3D printer for high-end fashion Consumer Products

Stratasys Introduces J850 TechStyle 3D Printer for High-end Fashion

Stratasys Ltd. (NASDAQ: SSYS), a leader in polymer 3D printing solutions, is launching the first 3D printer designed specifically to 3D print on fabric, in a direct-to-textile mode. The Stratasys J850 TechStyle 3D printer, the company’s newest PolyJet printer, is being launched during an exclusive event at Milan Design Week’s Fuorisalone to meet the unique needs of design and fashion manufacturers, which include 3D printing for high-end, premium textiles and clothing, bags and accessories and footwear.

Pielleitalia and Roboze recycle textiles into 3D printing filament AM Industry

Pielleitalia and Roboze Recycle Textiles into 3D Printing Filament

Plastic, and its use/abuse in the global community, is among the most pressing issues of the last decade, where the high degree of competitiveness and performance of the material is opposed to the environmental and health issues. Interestingly, many plastics used in 3D printing are not used solely to make parts: advanced thermoplastics such as nylon (also known as polyamide or PA) and polyester (PET) are also used to make synthetic textile fibers. Even considering that recycling any type of plastic is a lot more difficult than it appears, we’ve been wondering why no one had yet considered recycling textiles such as post-consumer nylon into filaments for 3D printing. Now an initiative by Roboze and pielleitalia aims to do just that.

HeartBeatDress by Anouk Wipprecht, a New 3D Printed Dress Masterpiece

HeartBeatDress by Anouk Wipprecht, a New 3D Printed Dress Masterpiece

In collaboration with a leading global crystals manufacturer, Dutch fashion tech designer Anouk Wipprecht just released her new 3D printed HeartBeatDress – a dress that records and broadcasts something very ‘intimate’ to you as a provocation to be true to your feelings. Considering that Wipprecht’s 3D printed dress creations are often so advanced that they enjoy popularity for several years after the initial launch, each new release is an event for both the 3D printing and the fashion tech industries.

Noga Karpel and PrintPlace 3D Print Chained Hands Dress

Noga Karpel and PrintPlace 3D Print Chained Hands Dress

Antwerp Fashion’s Noga Karpel is an Israeli fashion designer who focuses her work on femininity, the female body, feminist art, and her own journey in life as a female artist. Inspired by the work of Louise Bourgeouis, a late French-American artist who explored the concept of feminist art, Noga’s latest collection revolves around needlework, a craft that connects women over history as it is passed down from one woman to another over generations.