Aurora Labs to show it meets aerospace standards for metal AM 3D Printer Hardware

Aurora Labs Limited (ASX:A3D), aka A3D, is launching a Print Campaign to demonstrate system reliability, quality, and repeatability, as part of the Company’s active commercialization strategy. The campaign is supported by The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA) and aims to demonstrate A3D’s technology as capable of repeatedly producing printed material that meets draft SAE International aerospace standards AMS7039 and AMS7032.


Mitsubishi Electric launches AZ600 digital wire-laser metal 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is releasing two models of the new AZ600 digital wire-laser metal 3D printer on March 1st. The new systems work by melting welding wire, instead of powder, with a laser beam to create high-quality 3D structures. These products build on the initial introduction by Mitsubishi Electric of a unique, proprietary dot forming AM technology back in 2018.

UK Patient Receives World’s First 3D Printed Eye Prosthetic

UK Patient Receives World’s First 3D Printed Eye Prosthetic

A Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust patient was the first person in the world to be supplied solely with a fully digital 3D printed prosthetic eye on 25 November 2021. He first tried his eye on 11 November alongside a traditional acrylic prosthetic. By going home on 25 November with just his printed eye, he is the first patient to use a 3D printed eye as their sole prosthetic.

WASP and IAAC inaugurate first 3D printed earthen construction in Spain Construction 3D Printing

IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture, continues its research towards 3D printing architecture with local earthen materials by completing a housing prototype in the natural park of Collseolla, in the outskirts of Barcelona, this winter. The result is a small constructed prototype with 100% natural and locally sourced material recipes that will be inaugurated with a live event on February 28th [register here].

Digital Anatomy Creator Software further advances medical modeling AM Software

Digital Anatomy Creator Software Further Advances Medical Modeling

Stratasys continues to enhance anatomic modeling solutions for healthcare providers through the introduction of a new software module, Digital Anatomy Creator, for Stratasys Digital Anatomy 3D Printers. The new software allows users to easily manipulate material formations and customize the internal structures of their prints to achieve patient-specific anatomic models that are a direct replication of a patient’s pathologic and biologic anatomy.