SLA 3D Printed Lifelike North American Payara Fish Model

SLA 3D Printed Lifelike North American Payara Fish Model

Process 3D Print, Support Removal, Post Curing, Primer Coating, Polish, Paint
Material Resin
Quantity 1 pcs
Price Range $100-1,000
Lead Time 8 workdays


About Project

Ever dreamed of bringing a mythical creature to life? Our stunningly detailed SLA 3D printed North American Payara fish model is here to make your fantasy a reality. With its menacing fangs, powerful build, and intricate scales, this lifelike replica is a must-have for any collector or enthusiast.

Crafted with Precision

Our state-of-the-art SLA 3D printing technology ensures exceptional detail and accuracy, capturing every nuance of this fearsome predator. From its piercing eyes to its razor-sharp teeth, this model is a testament to the power of modern manufacturing.

Elevate Your Collection

Whether you're a dedicated angler, a marine biology enthusiast, or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, this Payara fish model is sure to impress. Display it proudly on your mantlepiece, desk, or aquarium stand to add a touch of the exotic to your space.

Enhance with Expert Painting

To truly bring this creature to life, consider our skilled painting services. Our artists can customize your model with realistic textures, colors, and finishes, transforming it into a masterpiece that's indistinguishable from a real specimen.

Order Yours Today

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of aquatic history. Visit to place your order and experience the magic of 3D printing firsthand!


  • Step 1: Digital Modeling. Artists meticulously sculpt a 3D model of the Payara fish using advanced CAD software. Every intricate detail, from the menacing fangs to the subtle scales, is carefully captured. The model is designed to be printed at a high resolution to ensure maximum detail.
  • Step 2: Model Preparation. The 3D model is sliced into hundreds or thousands of thin layers, providing instructions for the 3D printer. Support structures are generated to prevent overhangs and ensure structural integrity during printing. The model is oriented on the build platform to optimize printing efficiency and minimize the need for support structures.
  • Step 3: 3D Printing. The sliced model data is transferred to an SLA 3D printer. A laser beam is directed onto a vat of liquid photopolymer SLA Tough Resin. The resin solidifies where the laser strikes, creating the first layer of the object. The build platform is lowered, and another layer is cured, gradually building up the three-dimensional structure.
  • Step 4: Post-Processing. Once the printing is complete, the model is removed from the resin vat. Any remaining resin is washed away using a solvent. The model is cured under ultraviolet light to solidify the resin and ensure its strength. Support structures, if used, are carefully removed using specialized tools to avoid damaging the delicate details.
  • Step 5: Finishing and Painting. The model is sanded and smoothed to remove imperfections and create a smooth surface. Fine details, such as the scales and gills, are added using sculpting tools or 3D printing techniques. The model is primed to prepare the surface for painting. Skilled artists apply various colors and textures to achieve a lifelike appearance. The final touches, such as weathering or shading, are added to enhance realism.