
Taking AM From Niche to Mass Adoption through Effective Continental Trade Shows Additive Manufacturing

From the UK, through Germany, to Barcelona. If the biggest limit to a real, widespread adoption of additive manufacturing is industry awareness, trade shows are one of the most effective ways to address it. AM-centric trade shows also need to be able to reach out to companies looking to AM as a solution to real manufacturing challenges, not just a way for AM system and materials manufacturers to confront each other.


CIPRES To Offer Fast, Fully Automated Surface Finishing and Coloring Solution for Mass Customization 3D Printing Processes

In 3D Printing, surface finishing and coloring post-processing solutions are needed to produce acceptable printed parts. CIPRES, a leading provider of SLS 3D printing and e-coloring services, will be the first European company to provide high-speed surface finishing using AMT’s PostPro3D technology, in conjunction with CIPRES’S proprietary e-coloring technology. This unique combination of technology enables CIPRES to produce thousands of perfectly finished 3D Printed parts per day.


Zare to mass produce luxury metal 3D printed MIO toothbrush Consumer Products

Many are familiar with Italian design brand names like Alessi, Pininfarina or Colani. We think of cars with elegant lines, fine furniture and iconic household objects. Now, Zare from Boretto, Italy, has ventured to design a new toothbrush in collaboration with Nussbaumer Design, headed by Christoph Nussbaumer. The result is very unusual – this toothbrush is made from metal. The metal 3D printed MIO toothbrush features a timeless design and is mass produced by means of additive manufacturing.


Luxexcel and IFB Solutions Sign contract for the First Ophthalmic 3D Print Platform Consumer Products

Luxexcel and IFB Solutions have signed a contract for the first 3D print platform for ophthalmic lenses. The platform will be integrated into IFB’s optical operations in Winston-Salem, N.C. which is one of the top 10 independent labs in the country. The Luxexcel platform consists of industrial grade optical 3D-printers, lens-design software and workflow integration tools which enable customers like IFB Solutions to manufacture 3D printed ophthalmic quality lenses that meet all industry standards. The technology is initially focusing on difficult-to-manufacture medical specialty lenses.