Will Support Structures Make or Break These 3D Printed Hearts?

Will Support Structures Make or Break These 3D Printed Hearts?

3D printing has been of interest in the medical sector since the technology’s inception and is today used for a myriad of applications—from surgical guides and anatomical models to implants and tools. Recently, the technology has become especially important, providing support to local medics in times of great need. Selective laser sintering (SLS), specifically, has been an important tool in the medical AM world, supporting complex surgeries and procedures in the form of tools and visual aids.

FDA Approves First Patient-Specific, 3D Printed Talus Implant in the US

FDA Approves First Patient-Specific, 3D Printed Talus Implant in the US

The FDA has approved its first 3D printed talus metal implant designed to replace the main bone in the ankle joint connecting the leg to the foot. The agency issued a green light to New Jersey-based Additive Orthopaedics under humanitarian use for the treatment of avascular necrosis, a progressive condition that can lead to the death of bone tissue following a sudden injury that cuts off blood flow, such as a broken bone or dislocation.