First African 3D Printed Buildings Coming Up in Malawi to Support UN’s Sustainability Goals

First African 3D Printed Buildings Coming Up in Malawi to Support UN’s Sustainability Goals

3D printed buildings are popping up in more and more places, like the recent 3 floors apartment building in Germany but so far Africa has been only marginally on the map. 14Trees are about to change that. Established by LafargeHolcim, a world-leading provider of cement and concrete with 70,000 employees, 14Trees is focused on building affordable houses, schools and social infrastructures in Africa.

Jarett Gross “sheds” light on 3D printed, upcycled Ashen Cabin Construction 3D Printing

Jarett Gross “Sheds” Light on 3D Printed, Upcycled Ashen Cabin Construction

Thanks to the latest video by Jarett Gross, the untirable explorer of construction 3D printing projects (who has previously contributed to this portal), many more, including 3dpbm, found out about a very interesting 3D printed, upcycled cement-wooden structure that may have been initially ignored by those outside the architectural community: the Ashen Cabin by Cornel University and HANNAH Design Office.