WASP and IAAC Inaugurate First 3D Printed Earthen Construction in Spain

WASP and IAAC Inaugurate First 3D Printed Earthen Construction in Spain

IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture, continues its research towards 3D printing architecture with local earthen materials by completing a housing prototype in the natural park of Collseolla, in the outskirts of Barcelona, this winter. The result is a small constructed prototype with 100% natural and locally sourced material recipes that will be inaugurated with a live event on February 28th [register here].

SAGA Space Architects 3D print 7-meter-tall analog moon habitat Professional Additive Manufacturing

SAGA Space Architects 3D Print 7-Meter-Tall Analog Moon Habitat

SAGA Space Architects, a Copenhagen-based design practice working on making space liveable for future space travelers, have 3D printed their new 7-meter-tall analog moon habitat – the world’s tallest 3D printed polymer structure. The shell has been topologically optimized, and the corrugated surface generated, to withstand the specific forces the habitat would experience on the Moon. The habitat was brought to life in just nine months – from the first sketch to the final printed form, and has been designed to support a crew of two astronauts, comfortably, for 90 days on the surface of the Moon.

First 3D construction printer configurator officially launched by COBOD AM Software

First 3D Construction Printer Configurator Officially Launched by COBOD

As 3dpbm had anticipated last month, COBOD has now, officially, launched the first 3D construction printer configurator – a new tool that enables contractors and developers to estimate the time it will take to 3D print a specific building and calculate the volume of concrete materials needed. For instance, the configurator shows, layer by layer, how the printer can build a 170 m2 (1.900 square feet) villa in just 26 hours.

D.fab Promises 90% Cost Reduction in Concrete 3D Printing Materials

D.fab Promises 90% Cost Reduction in Concrete 3D Printing Materials

Concrete 3D printing of building shells has grown considerably in the last few years, with more and more building shells being 3D printed, even buildings with up to 3 floors and windmill towers. However, the high cost of 3D printing mortars has prevented more widespread and large-scale application on multi-unit projects, including large-scale affordable housing projects. This is about to change as CEMEX, in cooperation 3D construction printer supplier COBOD, developed the new D.fab solution for rapid development of cost-effective concrete 3D printing materials.

ESA Looks to Build New Home in Space with Off-Earth Manufacturing

ESA Looks to Build New Home in Space with Off-Earth Manufacturing

Activities are set to intensify in 2022, as we get closer to the date (2024) that ESA and NASA have planned for humanity’s return to the Moon. The ESA Discovery program has been supporting groups from industry and academia to develop technologies for off-Earth manufacturing. Last November, a public online symposium presented their latest results and highlighted which technologies are most promising for maturing further towards integration into future space missions.