
SnapEDA Support DipTrace Design Software on Search Engine

SnapEDA, creators of the first search engine for electronics design, and DipTrace, an easy-to-use PCB design software, are collaborating to support DipTrace on the SnapEDA website. This collaboration integrates SnapEDA’s computer-aided design (CAD) database directly into DipTrace’s latest PCB design software.

With billions of electronic components to choose from, engineers are faced with multiple challenges during the component selection stage. First, engineers need to filter an overwhelming number of electronic components to select one with the best form, fit and function for their design. Once they’ve made their selection, they need to integrate it into the whole by sourcing or creating digital models for that electronic component.

This partnership comes about after SnapEDA’s search engine was incorporated into Autodesk‘s Fusion 360 suite.

The new SnapEDA DipTrace search capability these challenges. It helps engineers efficiently select and integrate electronic components. Finding components is as simple as searching the part needed, such as ‘25 MHz crystal’, and once an engineer selects a part, it comes ready-to-use with its schematic symbol, PCB footprint and 3D model for instant design-in.

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“DipTrace has consistently been one of the most requested formats over the last year. We are thrilled to be able to introduce DipTrace support to the SnapEDA community, and collaborate to provide a native SnapEDA experience within the latest version of DipTrace,” said Natasha Baker, CEO & Founder of SnapEDA.

During initial user research conducted by SnapEDA, DipTrace users specified a preference for the DipTrace binary format over the ASCII format. As a result, SnapEDA & DipTrace worked together to ensure that SnapEDA’s CAD models are provided in the native binary .eli and .lib formats. This means that engineers will have a native experience, and CAD models will be fully forward compatible.

“We know first-hand that building component libraries can be really time-consuming for electronic engineers. And nowadays time is often the most limiting and sometimes the decisive factor. So we’ve always been dedicated to providing efficient tools for component creation to speed up the design process. For DipTrace, SnapEDA’s CAD database integration is a significant advancement towards making the availability of the adequate components the least of engineers’ concerns,” said Stan Ruev, Cofounder & Lead Developer of DipTrace.

SnapEDA works directly with the leading electronic component suppliers in the industry to make their CAD models available for free to engineers via its platform. New parts are added each day by their highly trained Component Engineering team. The team adds millions of new parts each year guided by standards and rigorous verification checks, including SnapEDA’s patented verification software. As soon as new components are uploaded to the SnapEDA platform, they’re instantly available within DipTrace.


* This article is reprinted from 3D Printing Media Network. If you are involved in infringement, please contact us to delete it.

Author: Adam Strömbergsson

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