What you can and cannot do with additive manufacturing in Formula 1 Additive Manufacturing

What you can and cannot do with additive manufacturing in Formula 1 Additive Manufacturing

Motorsports, and Formula 1 in particular, is considered one of the driving segments for AM adoption. But one thing is the ability to rapidly produce lighter AM car parts and an entirely different thing, especially in F1, is the ability to actually use them. That’s because the regulations for additive manufacturing in Formula 1 are very (very) strict and sometimes block AM materials and applications.

ICON and DIU demonstrate construction additive manufacturing for military use Construction 3D Printing

ICON and DIU demonstrate construction additive manufacturing for military use Construction 3D Printing

ICON, known for 3D printing homes and communities in Mexico and central Texas, has been prototyping various structures with DIU (the Defense Innovation Unit) and USMC utilizing the technology that combines 3D robotics, software and advanced material. In January 2019, Marines were trained on the software, robotics and material delivery sub-systems at ICON’s lab with the goal of a future field demonstration to build structures important for expeditionary construction.

Jarett Gross explains rheology of construction 3D printing materials Construction 3D Printing

Jarett Gross explains rheology of construction 3D printing materials Construction 3D Printing

Construction 3D printing is booming, with hundreds of new applications emerging all over the world. The variety of solutions sometimes makes it challenging to understand exactly how materials need to behave to enable large structures to be 3D printed. In a recent video published on his channel, Jarett Gross, a Youtuber specializing specifically in this area, explains in a very clear and highly documented manner the rheology of construction 3D printing involved. If you have a direct interest in construction AM, as many of our readers do, or if you are just curious, it’s definitely worth watching.

HKU architects and marine scientists co-develop novel 3D printed reef tiles Construction 3D Printing

HKU architects and marine scientists co-develop novel 3D printed reef tiles Construction 3D Printing

In yet another fascinating demonstration of the capabilities of construction 3D printing to rebuild marine habitats, architects and marine scientists at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have jointly developed a novel method for coral restoration making use of specially designed, 3D printed reef tiles. The elegant looking structures can be used by corals to enhance their chance of survival in the Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park in Hong Kong waters.

Construction 3D printing startup Mighty Buildings launches with M backing Construction 3D Printing

Construction 3D printing startup Mighty Buildings launches with $30M backing Construction 3D Printing

There’s a new player in the construction 3D printing market: Mighty Buildings, an Oakland, California-based startup with a focus on automated home building solutions has just progressed beyond stealth mode. The company, which has raised an impressive $30 million from investors (including Khosla Ventures, Y Combinator, SV Angel and CoreVC), was born through the Y Combinator seed money startup accelerator in 2018.

GM leveraging Stratasys 3D printing in ventilator tooling production AM Industry

GM leveraging Stratasys 3D printing in ventilator tooling production AM Industry

Since significantly expanding its 3D printing capacity – by installing 17 production-grade Stratasys systems – at the end of 2019, automotive giant GM has transformed many of its production lines, leveraging the technology for faster and most efficient tooling and more. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the technology has come particularly in handy, helping the company to transition towards the production of ventilators.