Rosatom and RusAT develop own laser systems product line for metal 3D printers Decision Makers

Specialists of All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF) have developed and manufactured prototypes of lasers with a power of 200, 400, 700 and 1000 W to be used in SLM printers. The development was carried out within the framework of R&D “Lasers”, which is supervised by the integrator “Rusatom – Additive Technologies” (RusAT, an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company).

St. Mary’s Hospital Uses 3D Printing to Perform Corrective Nasal Surgery

St. Mary’s Hospital Uses 3D Printing to Perform Corrective Nasal Surgery

Researchers at St. Mary’s Hospital in Seoul, South Korea, have applied 3D printing to the treatment of a condition that can cause respiratory problems and sleep disorders. In a clinical study, the team used 3D printing to develop a biocompatible splint that could be inserted into the nose and help correct a deviated septum. In 20 volunteer patients, aged 18-74, the 3D printed device proved to outperform other artificial splints.

Aurora Labs to Develop Instructional Guide for 3D Printed Medical Devices

Aurora Labs to Develop Instructional Guide for 3D Printed Medical Devices

Australian metal 3D printer manufacturer Aurora Labs has agreed to develop designs, specifications and parameters for the 3D printing of titanium medical implants. Developed under partnership with the University of Western Australia (UWA) and Royal Perth Hospital (RPH), the parameters will come in the form of an instructional guide for using an Aurora Labs 3D printer to manufacture medical implants.

Heidelberg Instruments acquires Multiphoton Optics Decision Makers

Multiphoton Optics GmbH has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH. The pooling of development capabilities and technologies for producing microstructures further underscores the global importance of research, development and production of direct-writing laser systems “Made in Germany”. The merger also extends the company’s market position in the micro-optics sector.