VM Podcast, S2E2: bringing semiconductor lasers to 3D printing Decision Makers

VM Podcast, S2E2: bringing semiconductor lasers to 3D printing Decision Makers

Hello everyone and welcome back to the first 3dpbm Pulse Podcast of 2023, the first under our new name: VoxelMatters Podcast. Today we speak with Ido Eylon, CEO of 3DM Digital Manufacturing, about a technology that is going to change the way polymer laser powder bed fusion – the process commonly known as SLS – for the better and forever.

It’s been an intense start of the year for us and for 3D printing, with tons of news coming out, our Automotive AM Focus eBook, the MIDO eyewear show in Milan, the AMS conference in New York City, and now a major rebranding already in the books. But it never stops in additive and we have plenty of great podcasts lined up for the remainder of they year.

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VM Podcast, S2E2: bringing semiconductor lasers to 3D printing Decision Makers Ido Eylon, CEO of 3DM Digital Manufacturing

You may not yet be familiar with 3DM. We visited this Israeli startup last December to learn more about its unique laser technology. Founded in 2016 and trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange since 2021, the company recently emerged from stealth and it is now ready to scale by offering something truly unique in the polymer L-PBF global landscape: a quantum cascade laser (QCL) technology that can deliver industrial-grade printing quality, with any thermoplastic material, at a significantly lower printing cost compared to existing technologies.

At VoxelMatters we track companies in the global AM landscape to bring you the most up-to-date data on their growth because we think that additive manufacturing is a solution to many of today’s challenges. But there can be no change if this change is not supported by financial sustainability.  Every day we speak with the people who are inventing new ways of additively making parts and building great businesses around them.

3DM is a perfect example: leveraging the knowledge and experience of its founder Daniel Majer, the company invented a product that implements the latest advancements in QCL technology to radically change the SLS process, something necessary for this technology to evolve and compete with other polymer PBF processes by exploiting its peculiarities and unique strengths: precision, surface quality and variety of materials. In this episode, we’ll talk about how that’s gonna happen.

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Author: VoxelMatters

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