
Miss South Africa contestants wear Bare Beauty swimwear adorned with 3D printed flowers 3D Printer Hardware

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: 3D printing is an incredibly versatile manufacturing process. From 3D printed race car parts, to sports equipment, to coral (and that’s just this week), additive manufacturing has found applications in many industries and for many, many purposes. Polish 3D printer manufacturer Sinterit recently drew out attention to another novel use of Selective Laser Sintering technology (SLS): swimwear.


FELIXprinters repositions to expand growth of its 3D printer beyond industrial use 3D Printer Hardware

Recognizing the shift in the shape of the 3D printing industry, Dutch 3D printer maker FELIXprinters is repositioning itself and its portfolio of products to serve the changing needs of industry constituents. This means that the company has now identified a growing trend in adoption of 3D printers beyond industrial use and into broader segments such as education.


GE Additive Education: five universities named as recipients of metal AM systems 3D Printer Hardware

Just weeks after GE Additive announced the 600+ primary and secondary schools awarded with 3D printing packages as part of its Additive Education Program (AEP), the company has announced the universities that will be receiving industrial metal additive manufacturing systems from it. The announcement marks the conclusion of GE Additive’s 2018/19 cycle of the AEP.

Lulzbot Mini 2 desktop 3D printer and Cura 3.2 software released 3D Printer Hardware

Aleph Objects, Inc., makers of LulzBot 3D Printers, will be releasing the LulzBot Mini 2 3D Printer on June 20th from and official LulzBot resellers. The Mini 2 builds on the original LulzBot Mini’s reputation for high performance 3D printing and easy operation in a rugged and portable package, but adds new features like tetherless operation, updated electronics, and a re-engineered Z-axis drive system for even better print quality. Of course, the LulzBot Mini 2 also maintains Aleph Objects’ commitment to Free, Libre, and Open Source development. The new hardware is complimented by the release of Cura LulzBot Edition version 3.2 software which adds new slicing options, interface updates, and big performance improvements over the previous version.