A First Look at Voxeljet’s Upcoming VX1000 HSS Giant 3D Printer

A First Look at Voxeljet’s Upcoming VX1000 HSS Giant 3D Printer

There is no denying that large-format sand and polymer binder jetting 3D printer manufacturer voxeljet has not had an easy time fully exploiting it’s hardware’s market potential. The company is too large to be as streamlined as a startup and not large enough to move the marketing muscle of the HP’s and EOS’s of the polymer AM world. And not Silicon Valley enough to move investors as Carbon does. The new VX1000 HSS could change all this, giving voxeljet a real and significant technological advantage over the competition: no one else has yet built a high-resolution polymer system capable of printing this much and this fast.

TIWARI and ESA validate ceramic and metal materials for RAPTOR 3D printer 3D Printing Processes

ESA-supported startup TIWARI Scientific Instruments in Germany has developed low-cost 3D printer, the RAPTOR, which is capable of 3D printing a variety of metals and ceramics using a bound powder filament extrusion process. While the 3D printer is similar to other systems now available in the market – such as those introduced by Nanoe and Triditive among others – TIWARI was able to leverage support from ESA to validate four metal and ceramic materials for space and other applications.

Lithoz Presents Production-ready CeraFab S65 System with 4 Integrated build units 3D Printer Hardware

Lithoz Presents Production-ready CeraFab S65 System with 4 Integrated Build Units

Lithoz, the Austrian leader in 3D printed ceramics, is not a company known for its aggressive marketing and communication efforts. Its high-level LCM ceramics photopolymerization AM technology is making huge steps forward, however, we don’t often hear about it. That’s, well, because the company does not tell many people about its progress. Even after Lithoz launched the disruptive, production-ready Cerafab S65, we only learned about its progress in the market when a small Australian company – 3rdAxis – purchased one.