Titans of CNC installs Trumpf Truprint 2000 metal PBF 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

Titans of CNC installs Trumpf Truprint 2000 metal PBF 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

The time has come for Titans of CNC, a CNC shop-turned educational institution and TV series with a 300K-follower YouTube channel, to move on to 3D printing. The team is also moving on to a huge new facility with multiple industrial machines, from EDMs to the largest CNCs and it’s opening up the AM section by installing a Trumpf Truprint 2000 metal PBF system.

What started as a CNC machine shop in Northern California focused on making the most difficult parts in aerospace, has transitioned into a massive reality TV series and a world-first CNC educational platform recognized and utilized by a global network of engineers, machinists, hobbyists, students, and educators.

Titans of CNC installs Trumpf Truprint 2000 metal PBF 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

Titans of CNC set ou to lift up American students, educators, and the manufacturing workforce. The Titan of CNC: Academy is being used in over 170 countries and the company is driven by the belief that all humans have the right to a good education and to have the ability to build parts in their own communities.

The Titans of CNC Academy and its Aerospace Academy offers hundreds of free courses on using industrial CNC technologies and now 3D printing as well. Upcoming episodes focusing on the Trumpf Truprint 2000 system will experiment, show and teach everything you can do on one of these bad boys.

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The Trumpf Truprint 2000 features a 55-µm laser beam diameter to provide a high-quality printing result in a build volume (cylinder) of 200 mm in diameter and a height of 200 mm. The full-field multilaser with two 300-watt fiber lasers from TRUMPF – which scan the entire build area – can deliver top productivity ensuring high-quality standards via Melt Pool Monitoring and comprehensive process monitoring. The production process with the TruPrint 2000 is a closed powder circuit under shielding gas which allows for practical handling and operator safety.

The story behind Titans of CNC is also a very inspiring one: during his childhood, Titan Gilroy, the founder, grew up in a broken home filled with violence, alcoholism, and rage. He soon built a reputation on his aggressive and destructive nature. Multiple accounts of assault landed Titan in a sixteen-year prison sentence. The fighting continued and he soon found himself in solitary confinement for six months.

With the help of Top Rank Boxing, Titan was released early and began fighting for his second chance, ultimately being recognized as one of the greatest up-and-coming fighters in the sport. Unable to escape his demons, Titan was pulled back into the street violence of his past. Not wanting to land back into prison, he walked away from professional boxing and found himself in a CNC machine shop where his life would change forever.



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Velo3D sets out to disrupt metal AM as you may know it: “We need to free AM from the constraints of this idea, which has done more damage than good to AM as a whole,” Mr. Buller confirms. “The idea of DfAM has come to be associated with generatively designed structures that remove material to create complex lightweight and topology optimized geometries. To a certain extent, this can be achieved with CNC technology, which is a much more mature and ready-to-use digital manufacturing process. What AM should be used for is parts that cannot be produced by CNC or any other method, and by that, I mean parts that have complex structures, such as internal channels or expensive multi-component subassemblies, in one piece. This is where the benefits of AM are clearest, but the reality is that most metal PBF technologies cannot make these parts.”

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Author: Davide Sher

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