UK Patient Receives World’s First 3D Printed Eye Prosthetic

UK Patient Receives World’s First 3D Printed Eye Prosthetic

A Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust patient was the first person in the world to be supplied solely with a fully digital 3D printed prosthetic eye on 25 November 2021. He first tried his eye on 11 November alongside a traditional acrylic prosthetic. By going home on 25 November with just his printed eye, he is the first patient to use a 3D printed eye as their sole prosthetic.

Forward AM Works with Spentys on the Next Level of 3D Printed Orthoses

Forward AM Works with Spentys on the Next Level of 3D Printed Orthoses

Additive manufacturing has been touted for its potential to have a major role in disrupting the traditional orthopedic industry for almost a decade. However, even in a sector that grapples with increasing costs for orthopedic specialists and demands for improved comfort, aesthetics, and quality of life, adoption of AM technologies has been slow. Much of it has to do with costs and quality of materials as well as the productivity rate of the machines. This is now changing as material giant BASF’s Forward AM is partnering with Belgian MedTech company Spentys to make these supports truly available, accessible, and viable.