Anisoprint, a manufacturer of continuous fiber 3D printing machines, earned the label from the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for the companies complying with their standards — Made in Luxembourg.

It has been almost three years since Anisoprint established its headquarters in the EU. Last year, in 2020, the production was shifted from the contract manufacturing coordinated from the original HQ in Skolkovo, (the state-of-the-art research center and incubator near Moscow), to Luxembourg as well. Now that all the arrangements and inspections are finished, the company ships its first machines with the label to its customers.
“Since the first launch of our products back in 2018, we constantly looked for an ideal manufacturing solution, trying to balance between the quality, customer proximity, logistics and lead times, predictability, cost,” explained CEO Fedor Antonov. “With the recent COVID-19 outbreak that disrupted all the supply chains, contract manufacturing did not seem to be the best option anymore. We had to take many more production steps under control to manage the quality and lead time expectations of our customers and partners. After careful consideration of every option and location, we have made a decision to set up our own production facility in Luxembourg, next to our head office. We have been working on that move since last year and today we are proud to receive a ‘Made in Luxembourg’ label for the first batch of Composer 3D printers manufactured in our new facilities.”
Previously, Anisoprint relied on contract manufacturing, but it involved a lot of management with the quality control and deadlines, especially during the pandemic, so they took the decision to organize their own production in Luxembourg, close to the headquarters.
Manufacturing on Demand
Located in the center of Europe, Luxembourg works as a logistics hub with convenient tax regimes for export production. For companies striving to earn the label, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce conducts an inspection procedure to check that it complies with all the local regulations and provides high-quality products or services to its customers.
“We spared no pains to find the best solution for a manufacturing facility and find professionals who are willing to contribute their expertise for making the quality of the machines even higher and live up to the expectations of our customers,” added Antonov.
First labeled machines are already shipped to the clients and the company plans to expand their production volume within this year to meet the growing demand.
* This article is reprinted from 3D Printing Media Network. If you are involved in infringement, please contact us to delete it.
Author: Victor Anusci
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