Humabiologics partners with Fisher Scientific Bioprinting

Humabiologics Partners with Fisher Scientific Bioprinting

Humabiologics, an industry leader in providing human-derived biomaterials for regenerative medicine, founded by scientists and tissue industry experts to address the gap between the gift of donated human tissues and researchers, and Fisher Scientific, a global leader in life sciences, are partnering to serve researchers in academia and industry who are working on regenerative medicine research.

Harry Danford appointed as XJet VP of Sales North America AM Industry

XJet Ltd. has appointed seasoned AM executive, Harry Danford, as VP of Sales North America, a new role within the business. The appointment is part of a wider strategy to establish a presence and nominate leaders in major regions, with Andy Middleton assigned in Europe and Lior Meron in Asia Pacific. It also adds to the growth across the business as XJet boosts its workforce by 25 percent (since the end of 2021) and makes several other key appointments, with the aim of strengthening its customer collaborations and partnerships.

Materialise CO-AM launches to advance serial AM production AM Software

Materialise CO-AM Launches to Advance Serial AM Production

Materialise, a global leader in 3D printing solutions, introduced CO-AM, an open software platform to manage the additive manufacturing (AM) production process more efficiently. CO-AM will give manufacturers cloud-based access to a full range of software tools that allow them to plan, manage and optimize every stage of their AM operations. With CO‑AM, Materialise addresses the untapped potential to use AM for serial manufacturing and mass personalization.

Kennametal added to GE Additive’s Beta Partner Program 3D Printing Processes

GE Additive has added industrial technology leader, Kennametal Inc., as is the latest member of its Beta Partner Program. As part of the GE Additive Program, Kennametal will further advance its Binder Jet printing capabilities in cemented tungsten carbide as it continues to scale its end-to-end metal additive manufacturing solutions, from metal powders through to the production of 3D printed parts and tooling.