
Undisclosed US-based Parts Supplier Acquires Multiple Sciaky EBAM Systems 3D Printer Hardware

Sciaky, Inc., a subsidiary of Phillips Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), and leading provider of metal additive manufacturing (AM) solutions, has reached an agreement to provide multiple Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) systems to an American-based metal 3D printing parts supplier. The supplier will serve as a turnkey parts bureau for many industries, including aerospace, defense, automotive, and oil & gas.


Optomec Demonstrates Full Repeatability of Its LENS Metal AM Technology AM Industry

Optomec, a leading global supplier of production grade additive manufacturing systems for 3D printed metals and 3D printed electronics, today announced the results of a three-year landmark study that validated the repeatability and transferability of the Optomec LENS metal additive manufacturing process. Leading Aerospace OEMS and technical experts participated in the study, which was performed on different LENS metal additive manufacturing systems at different locations.


Optomec Demonstrates Full Repeatability of Its LENS Metal AM Technology Aerospace

Optomec, a leading global supplier of production grade additive manufacturing systems for 3D printed metals and 3D printed electronics, today announced the results of a three-year landmark study that validated the repeatability and transferability of the Optomec LENS metal additive manufacturing process. Leading Aerospace OEMS and technical experts participated in the study, which was performed on different LENS metal additive manufacturing systems at different locations.


TWI and Lloyd’s Register Release New Guide to Certification of Metal AM Parts 3D Printing Processes

Leading advanced manufacturing consultancy firm TWI has worked with Lloyd’s Register on a joint industry project to develop certification guidelines for additively manufactured parts (albeit specifically for the energy and offshore sectors). The partnership has already led to the publication of a new Guidance Notes for Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Parts, which are available to download for free from the Lloyd’s Register website.


Stratasys Works with Peacocks Medical on Podfo 3D Printed Orthotics Consumer Products

Millions of people worldwide are impacted by debilitating foot pain, making it difficult to accomplish such daily activities as climbing stairs or taking a walk. Enter 3D printing. Stratasys Direct Manufacturing is now collaborating with Peacocks Medical Group, a leading medical equipment supplier and creator of Podfo orthotics, to maximize 3D printing for large-scale production of custom orthotics. As one of the world’s largest 3D printing and advanced manufacturing service providers, Stratasys Direct is giving millions of new patients access to life-changing orthotics – offering much needed pain relief and improvements in mobility.