
Seeing 3D printing clearly with Hoet eyewear Consumer Products

The eyewear industry is one of the most significant when looking at the breakdown of the consumer AM segment. As one of the first eyewear brands to implement 3D printing for production, Hoet has been in our sights for some time. Over the years, we have kept in touch with the company’s co-founder Bieke Hoet, who has kept us informed about its activities and growth in the consumer eyewear market.


Automotive companies respond to COVID-19 AM Industry

Around the world, manufacturing companies from across many industries have mobilized their production resources to produce medical devices that are in urgent demand. In the automotive sector, we’ve noticed a trend amongst companies to leverage their additive manufacturing resources to support the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as parts for ventilators and respirators. In the following article, we’ll look at what some major automotive players are doing to support COVID-19 relief efforts.


3D Printlife donates 4,000 kg of PLA for printing face shields AM Industry

American filament company 3D Printlife has announced it is donating 4,000 kg of PLA to support the production of 3D printed face shields for medical workers. The amount of material is expected to be enough to 3D print over 115,000 Prusa-designed face shields. As part of its effort, 3D Printlife is seeking makerspaces, fab labs, service bureaus and 3D printing experts to join its Life Support COVID-19 Support Center in order to connect them to 2,000 hospitals and medical centers.