
Safran supports fight against COVID-19 by 3D printing adapters for Decathlon’s mask Aerospace

Even as the French aerospace engine supplier announced drastic cuts to its current operations, Safran is continuing to support efforts to protect medical personnel against COVID-19. Like many other companies, Safran too has adapted the Easybreath Subea snorkeling mask from sports retailer Decathlon to protect medical personnel from airborne droplets that could transmit the coronavirus.


Lithoz unveils new CeraVision tool and CeraDoc software AM Software

Ceramics 3D printer firm Lithoz today released its new CeraVision tool and set of features to real-time monitor and control 3D printing process from remote via live-video transmission, giving users an all-new way to interact with their printers. Available for the CeraFab printers’ family, this new tool is also designed to detect and automatically correct errors during printing and to increase the usability of the printers.