
3D LifePrints releases the ‘Distancer’, a reusable PPE device Marketing and Content

The Coronavirus Disease 2019, Covid-19, outbreak has battered the world’s economies, instilled widespread fear and caused change in public and company policy to protect individuals from exposure to a highly infectious disease. Personal protective equipment (PPE) runs scarce due to a spike in Covid-19 related illnesses and hospitalizations, which leaves frontline healthcare professionals to risk the lives of their patients, their families and themselves by reusing single-use PPE.


Women in 3D Printing publishes 2020 Diversity for AM report AM Industry

Women in 3D Printing this week published the latest edition of its Diversity for Additive Manufacturing report, a special volume which not only focuses on gender diversity in our industry but also on the inclusion of minorities. The newly released report reckons with the issue of diversity and systemic racism, a long running and deeply embedded problem in our world, which has been in particular focus this year due to the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement. Importantly, the report positions AM within this unequal dynamic, aiming to promote diversity and inclusion in the sector as well as to highlight existing initiatives that support them.


ORNL team improves CO2 absorption with 3D printed device Sustainability

A team from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has invented a 3D printed absorption device made from aluminum that is capable of capturing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel plants. The innovative device, which can also be used in other industrial processes, could help to curb global emissions of greenhouses gases like CO2 which trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.