A Massivit 3D acceleration to adopting 3D printing in construction Construction 3D Printing

A Massivit 3D acceleration to adopting 3D printing in construction Construction 3D Printing

The introduction of 3D printing – in any form – into the construction industry is among the most fascinating and, at the same time, challenging endeavor. On the one hand, the most advanced and technologically complex, digital manufacturing processes; on the other an industry that has notoriously been slow to introduce change. For these reasons, many see construction as the area with the highest potential for 3D printing innovation. And business. The shift is going to be gradual and any potential adopter will benefit from introducing 3D printing technologies that can significantly enhance traditional construction practices. Massivit 3D’s large-volume 3D printing technology for construction is doing just that. By providing cost-effective 3D printed tools to leverage the geometric benefits of AM, without foregoing the use of traditional materials, Massivit 3D is enabling innovative constructions and restorations. These projects – from statues to capitols and decorations of historical Italian palaces –  would not have been cost-effective by either traditional construction methods or direct concrete 3D printing.

European Partners Set to Develop Handheld Eye Scanner Containing 3D Printed Optics

European Partners Set to Develop Handheld Eye Scanner Containing 3D Printed Optics

The Medical University of Vienna is set to lead a five year European project which will see the development of a partly 3D printed mobile ophthalmic (eye-related) imaging device. The engineers and scientists working on the handheld device aim to minitiarize photonic chip technology, bringing down its cost in the process. The project partners hope that by the end of the five years, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) will no longer be bound to a stationary clinical setting, but will instead be capable of fitting into a jacket pocket.

How 3D Printing is Being Used in the Field of Urology

How 3D Printing is Being Used in the Field of Urology

Since its inception in the 80s, 3D printing has managed to find itself in more industries and fields than we can count. One such area is urology – the medical field concerned with the urinary-tract system. A recent literature review published in BJU International covers the latest developments and accomplishments of researchers employing 3D printing to push urinary medicine past its limits.