Black Buffalo 3D and ICC-ES revise AC509 criteria for multi-story construction 3D printing Construction 3D Printing

Black Buffalo 3D Corporation, a leading provider of large scale 3D printers for construction and a member of HN Inc.—formerly Hyundai BS&C Co. Ltd.—has successfully collaborated with the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) to revise its ICC-ES AC509 criteria. This update enhances the acceptance criteria (AC) for 3D Automated Construction Technology for 3D printed concrete walls from single-story building construction to multi-story building construction.

Ultrafuse 316L Stainless Steel now qualified for MakerBot LABS 3D Printer Hardware

MakerBot qualified the BASF Ultrafuse 316L Stainless Steel material by Forward AM for the MakerBot LABS Experimental Extruder for its METHOD 3D printers. With an open materials platform and a growing portfolio of advanced engineering-grade materials, METHOD is now the only industrial desktop 3D printer in its price-class with a heated chamber that can print polymer, composite, and metal materials.

Will support structures make or break these 3D printed hearts? Medical AM

3D printing has been of interest in the medical sector since the technology’s inception and is today used for a myriad of applications—from surgical guides and anatomical models to implants and tools. Recently, the technology has become especially important, providing support to local medics in times of great need. Selective laser sintering (SLS), specifically, has been an important tool in the medical AM world, supporting complex surgeries and procedures in the form of tools and visual aids.