Aurora Labs to Develop Instructional Guide for 3D Printed Medical Devices

Aurora Labs to Develop Instructional Guide for 3D Printed Medical Devices

Australian metal 3D printer manufacturer Aurora Labs has agreed to develop designs, specifications and parameters for the 3D printing of titanium medical implants. Developed under partnership with the University of Western Australia (UWA) and Royal Perth Hospital (RPH), the parameters will come in the form of an instructional guide for using an Aurora Labs 3D printer to manufacture medical implants.

Renishaw 3D Printed Medical Device Breaks Ground in Parkinson’s Drug Trial

Renishaw 3D Printed Medical Device Breaks Ground in Parkinson’s Drug Trial

Renishaw additive manufacturing has played a pivotal role in the recent clinical trial of an experimental treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. Documented in a two part-series produced by the BBC titled The Parkinson’s Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure? this trial includes the novel development of 3D printed medical device capable of delivering drugs directly to affected parts of the brain. After 40-80 weeks in-situ, the implants have become part of a potentially landmark advance in the treatment of this long-term degenerative disorder.