
NVIDIA presents GVDB voxels software dev kit and VOX3 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

NVIDIA GVDB Voxels is ideally suited for 3D Printing design, prototyping and embedded applications where both performance and memory footprint are critical. Voxels enable a next-generation approach to the 3D Printing workflow as they represent complex, connected microstructures and heterogeneous materials more easily than polygons. Supporting very high-resolution volumes with massive parallelism on GPUs, the sparse data structure of NVIDIA GVDB Voxels allows for geometric operations, simulation and rendering of complex models with fine detail. GVDB Voxels is ideally suited as core representation for 3D Printing Design applications, Generative Design, Process Engineering, Materials Simulation or print PreVisualization.


Formlabs Disrupts Market Again with Fuse 1 $10K SLS 3D Printer (and More) 3D Printer Hardware

At its Digital Factory conference today, Formlabs, the Massachusetts based designer and manufacturer of powerful, accessible 3D printing systems, officially presented Fuse 1, the company’s first selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printer. Formlabs also presented the new Form Cell automated production solution for additive manufacturing, which is based on its best selling Form 2 professional SLA 3D printer.


ColorFabb Supported BlackBelt 3D Printer Smashes Through $50K Kickstarter Goal 3D Printer Hardware

It may have been a little bit low, and the system’s potential may have been somewhat underestimated by its own creators, but that is quite refreshing in a 3D printing crowd funding world that has gone through more than a few bumps. The continuous-production capable BlackBelt 3D printer, which was announced just a couple of weeks ago, smashed through its initial $50K Kickstarter funding goal in just 15 minutes and is now headed toward production.