
3D printed Rely Bench by Joe Doucet protects pedestrians in Times Square Consumer Products

Following a spate of horrific vehicle-related terror incidents around the world in recent years, there has been a growing effort to find effective yet subtle ways to protect pedestrians in busy areas. In London, following the London Bridge attack in 2017, conspicuous metal and concrete barriers were installed on the city’s main bridges. Though effective, they are not the most elegant solution and have drawn their fair share of criticism. In New York City’s Times Square, designer Joe Doucet recently introduced an alternative protective barrier, that blends into the urban setting.


AI SpaceFactory wins $500,000 NASA 3D Printed Habitat Challenge first prize Aerospace

After 30 hours of 3D printing over four days of head-to-head competition, NASA and partner Bradley University of Peoria, Illinois, have awarded $700,000 to two teams vying to go down in history as the first 3D Printed Habitat Challenge winner. A prize of $500,000 was awarded to New York-based AI SpaceFactory. Second-place and $200,000 went to Pennsylvania State University of University Park.


Danish university awards COBOD tender for BOD2 construction 3D printer Construction 3D Printing

Construction 3D printing startup COBOD International has been building a solid reputation for itself since it was founded as a spin-off of 3D Printhuset last September. Following a series of announcements, including the first EU tender for a construction 3D printer and new distributors for its BOD2 construction 3D printer, COBOD has announced the receipt of its second European tender.


BESIX introduces concrete 3D printing with KUKA KR QUANTEC robot arm Construction 3D Printing

The construction sector has always been very close to the heart of the Belgian BESIX Group and forms the company’s core activities. In recent years, the construction sector has been working hard on catching up with regard to digitization and innovative tools. This technological progress is mainly in the design and design of buildings and structures. By introducing 3D concrete printing via a KUKA KR QUANTEC robot, BESIX Group has now been taking the next steps towards a digital implementation of projects.


AMT-Specavia construction 3D printing aids in restoration of South Korean coral reefs Construction 3D Printing

AMT-Specavia, a Russian company specializing in construction 3D printing technologies, is partnering with a team in South Korea with the aim of producing artificial coral reefs for the Yellow Sea. The 3D printing effort, which it utilizing high-strength hydrophobic concrete to create the artificial coral, aims to rehabilitate the quickly deteriorating coral reef ecosystem in the Yellow Sea.


Kamp C to build two-storey home with COBOD 3D printer Construction 3D Printing

Just weeks ago, Danish 3D printing construction company COBOD International (a spin-out of 3D Printhuset) deployed the largest 3D construction printer on the market to Saudi Arabia. Now, the company has reported that something slightly closer to home is being built using its additive manufacturing platform. Kamp C, the Center for Sustainability and Innovation in the Belgian Flemish province, recently installed the BOD2 3D printer and will soon begin construction of a two-storey building.