How 3D Printing is Being Used in the Field of Urology

How 3D Printing is Being Used in the Field of Urology

Since its inception in the 80s, 3D printing has managed to find itself in more industries and fields than we can count. One such area is urology – the medical field concerned with the urinary-tract system. A recent literature review published in BJU International covers the latest developments and accomplishments of researchers employing 3D printing to push urinary medicine past its limits.

Queensland University Researchers Call for Clearer Regulation of 3D Printed Medical Devices

Queensland University Researchers Call for Clearer Regulation of 3D Printed Medical Devices

Researchers from The University of Queensland in Australia have released a study which calls for clarification around the regulation of 3D printed devices that are used in the medical industry. The research team argues that as the healthcare market in 3D printing matures, and an increasing number of products get to market, there needs to be a greater deal of clarity and cooperation between manufacturers and regulators.