Say Yes to Drugs: DIA to Address 3D Printing in Healthcare Session

The Drug Information Association will hold its annual conference in San Diego on June 17th 2014 and 3D printing will be a hotbed issue addressed. Leaders of the DIA acknowledge that the relatively new industry will play a large role in medical manufacturing in the very near future. 3D printing has already become a popular fixture in the medical field and the forum confirms its growing status. The conference hopes to see what possibilities already exist and where adoption of 3D printing technologies will take DIA as it moves forward.

This event carries heavy significance with the global reach of DIA whose main office is in Washington DC. Hubs from the Middle East to China and Africa as well as North and South America will have a vested interest in the ideas shared at the session in San Diego. The 3D printing revolution may very well radically alter drug discovery and health delivery. And the forum’s title: Health Care’s Revolutionary Printing Press? – Blue Sky and Regulatory Path. The session will address public policy, Health Care compliance, and legal ramifications. Such a heavy session warrants an “intermediate” level for the program, but it is sure to be one of the most impactful. Chaired by Nancy Myers, JD, President of Catalyst Healthcare Consulting Inc., presentations and speakers include scientific policy on 3D printers, the Director of the Office of Device Evaluation CDRH, and the FDA.

With such gravitas behind the mic, the forum promises to be not only informative for the DIA community but ripe with possible guidelines and paths for the future of 3D printing in the medical field. While the main objective ought to be the best possible healthcare for the most amount of people, a utilitarian Hippocratic policy, there are sure to be elements of profit included. If the right minds stay firm and imbue the DIA with a proper sense of direction, the session may reinforce a tradition of innovation and goodwill in 3D printing.

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