MMB VOLUM-e adds EOS M400-4 laser 3D printer 3D Printer Hardware

MMB VOLUM-e recently installed a new EOS M400-4 laser metal 3D printer after receiving funding from the Ministry of the Economy as part of “MooV-e 4.0”. The funding initiative follows the call for projects “Recovery plan for the Aeronautics industry” aimed at the strengthening of the industrial sector through a massive plan to modernize production tools, support digital transformation and improve environmental performance.

EOS’ M400-4 multi-laser system

This funding supports the company’s investment plan aimed at setting up an industrial configuration for mass production. This is part of a broader strategy, “Additive Plus” defined by its Italian partner, the Lincotek group, a specialist in coatings. Additive Plus aims to combine additive and conventional manufacturing as well as post-processing to meet growing customer demand for integrated solutions.

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The new integration of an EOS M400-4 laser machine, dedicated to titanium melting, increases capacities with a view to mass production and strengthens the machine park offer of MMB VOLUM-e. In addition, and in order to improve powder yield, a sieve has also been integrated to limit the environmental impact of raw materials. Finally, the modernization of conventional tools is also considered with the replacement of a manual lathe with a digital lathe allowing the obtaining of surface finishes and increased levels of geometric precision.

MMB VOLUM-e is then placed in a unique position to offer the most complete service for additive mass production, supporting customers from 3D production to the final part.

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Author: VoxelMatters

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