Metal 3D Printer Manufacturer Arcam Reports Strong Earnings in Q3

Manufacturer of 3D metal printers Arcam AB (NASDAQ OMX: ARCM.ST, OTC: AMAVF) has just released their January-September report this morning and the results look good! Or, in 3D printing stock analyst Gary Anderson’s words, “exceptionally strong.” The Arcam site recorded earning a growth of $0.32 per share from $.07 per share over the period. In Q3, Arcam’s earnings were 15.2 MSEK (about $2.2 million in net income) but, with a positive tax benefit, this number increases to 23 MSEK (about $3.2 million). This compares to zero gain or loss during Q3 of last year.

President & CEO of Arcam, Magnus René, commented on the report by saying, “We are in rapid organic growth. We thus continue to recruit qualified employees in order to meet the expectations from our customers. During the period we have strengthened our service office in China and the support organization in Sweden. Through the acquisition of AP&C and DiSanto and through recruitment the number of employees has increased from 64 to 233 since September 2013. We will maintain an ambitious recruitment pace in order to further develop our technology and offering and thus exploiting the present business situation. A strong order book and a positive business situation lay a solid foundation for a strong closing of 2014 and continued growth in 2015.”

Sounds like a good time to be in the metal 3D printing business!

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