Dothan AL Welcomes China’s Nanjing Zijin Printing to Create Dothan 3D

The tether between China and the South continues to strengthen with the announcement of Dothan 3D. Dothan, located in Alabama, recently held a new business symposium and once again 3D printing made the headlines. This time the venture begins with Nanjing Zijin-Lead Electronics, China’s largest printer manufacturer. Nanjing will set up shop in Dothan and the business will be heralded as Dothan 3D.

Mayor of Dothan, Mike Schmitz, took a photogenic stance and signed the contract with company executives on stage. Schmitz emphasized the type of job market such a contract stimulates. There will be high paying positions even though the facility will not loom large in space. Dothan 3D also promises to establish itself as a place connected to advanced technology and innovation associated with 3D printing.

dothan 3d printingWasting no time, Nanjing has already hosted two training seminars on the heels of the Dothan 3D announcement. The global reach of this new business spreads the poles a little further in what is already a Big Tent mentality within the 3D printing industry. Dothan Alabama welcomes the Chinese business and appears eager to press onward with the burgeoning 3DP industry. What about your city? Mayor Schmitz expresses his approval, “We’re honored to have them in this community to bring hi-tech, 3D printing to Dothan. It has unlimited potential.”

Source: WTVY

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