
SPEE3D introduces XSPEE3D 3D Printing Processes

SPEE3D, the maker of some of the world’s fastest metal 3D printers, has unveiled its XSPEE3D printer – a containerized, ruggedized, and deployable cold-spray metal 3D printer that provides all of the necessary functions to print metal parts, from anywhere, in just minutes. XSPEE3D was designed based on extensive fieldwork and collaboration with the Australian Army.


3D printed Smart Bridge unveiled at Autodesk University 2022 Industrial Additive Manufacturing

According to Arabian Business, the first prototype of a real-scale, five-meter long, 3D printed pedestrian Smart Bridge was unveiled at the Autodesk University (AU) 2022 conference, which took place on September 27-29 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The bridge was designed in the UAE, in partnership with American software company, Autodesk, and Lebanese engineering company, Dar Al-Handasah.

VoxelMatters publishes Polymer AM market study, segment to generate over $34B yearly by 2030 Research & Education

VoxelMatters, a leading market intelligence and media company supporting the global AM industry landscape presents the results of a comprehensive study on the polymer additive manufacturing segment. The study,  Polymer AM Market Opportunities and Trends 2020–2030, conducted between Q4 2021 and Q3 2022 collected information on sales and business activity from all major companies operating in this segment. VoxelMatters found that the core polymer AM market (materials, hardware, services) generated $3.7 billion in 2020 and is going to grow to $11 billion by 2025 and to $34 billion by the end of the forecast period, in 2030.


6K Energy and ONE sign joint development agreement Additive Manufacturing

6K Energy, a division of 6K, a leader in the sustainable production of engineered materials for lithium-ion batteries and additive manufacturing produced from its UniMelt plasma technology, has signed a joint development agreement with Our Next Energy (ONE) to develop and produce the critical battery material that ONE will use in their Gemini and Aries battery platforms. The agreement strengthens the procurement of domestically produced electric vehicle batteries for automotive OEMs manufactured by ONE, made with battery materials produced locally by 6K Energy. Both organizations are focused on supplying the industry with domestically-sourced batteries and battery materials while also lowering the environmental impact associated with traditional production technologies.