
Janne Kyttanen’s 3D Printed Lily Lamp Turns 15, See How It All Began 3D Printing Processes

Designer Janne Kyttanen recently collaborated with online magazine Dezeen for an exclusive movie about his famous Lily Lamp. In the movie he explains how he designed the flower-shaped ´Lily´ lamp back in 2002 (almost 15 years ago now – time flies when you 3D print) as a demo of how 3D printing could be used. If you fast forward 16 years and look where we are today, 3D printing is pretty much common place.


Andreas Langfeld, General Manager EMEA, Speaks About the Future of MakerBot 3D Printing Processes

As we reported when we announced the launch of the new MakerBot Replicator + systems, Stratasys has refocused its strategy for the low cost 3D printers, now targeting primarily professionals and educators. Andreas Langfeld, MakerBot’s EMEA GM, is the man tasked with seeing this through and, by leveraign on his previous experience as Stratasys VP of finance, he seems to know exactly how to do it. We met him to find out exactly how the company intends to reposition itself to strengthen its desktop 3D printing market leadership.


CNEA and INTI Led Project Shows that Post Consumer Recycled Plastics Can Be Used to 3D Print Functional Devices 3D Printing Processes

  The Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has partnered with Argentina based 3D printing companies PRINTALOT, ENYE TECH (b-pet) and CHIMAK to carry out a study which set out the demonstrate that post consumer recycled (PCR) plastics can actually be used in 3D printing to produce fully functional, mechanically advanced devices. […]