
SkelETHon 3D printed concrete canoe wins first prize at German regatta 3D Printing Events

Since 2005, ETH has consistently taken part in the concrete canoe regattas with great success, and this year ETH won the 1st prize for Design Innovation for the 3rd year in a row. SkelETHon, the 114 Kilogram 3D printed concrete canoe, was a collaboration between DBT – who provided the computational design and digital fabrication expertise – and the PCBM Group – who developed the concrete mixes and processes used in the construction of the boat.


Maker Faire Barcelona Opens Season for 3D Printing Leading to IN(3D)STRY in October 3D Printing Events

3D Printing is a big part of making and in Barcelona this often blends seamlessly with advanced industrial manufacturing. For this reason IN(3D)USTRY, the leading show for industrial additive manufacturing in Southern Europe, which is scheduled for next October 3th to the 5th at Fira Barcelona, was among the organizers of the fourth Maker Faire Barcelona, which took place last June 17th and 18th.


Scientists Experiment with Nano 3D Printing to Help Patients Heal from Heart Attacks 3D Printing Processes

In a major 3D printing story that attracted the attention of Newsweek (a magazine also known for writing articles claiming that 3D printing is over), a nano 3D printing technology generally known as Two-Photon Photopolymerization (2PP) was used by Brenda Ogle, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, to create a patch that doctors could apply to help a patient heal in case of myocardial infarction (i.e. heart attack).


Nano Dimension to Develop New Ceramics 3D Printing Materials for Space Apps Aerospace

Nano Dimension, a leader in the field of 3D printed electronics, has received a budget from the Israel Innovation Authority which will be used to finance a project to develop ceramics 3D printing materials, that can be used in inkjet technology, thus allowing the printing of low density and high thickness objects for space applications. The total approved budget for this project is NIS 585,000 (approximately $165,000), of which the Israel Innovation Authority will finance 30%. The terms of the grant provide that we will pay royalties on future sales up to the full grant amount.


Pastor Uses Shapr3D to Make Models for His Community AM Software

Trent is a pastor from the US, with an education in theology and computer science. A rare combination, but a trend we have been seeing more frequently among Shapr3D users. Unrelated, previously unheard industries/fields are starting to realize the power of 3D modeling/3D printing, and what it can bring to their lives, their micro communities. Trent is creating 3D printed pieces for his community and family. We talked with him about his beginnings, and the printing projects he is currently working on.