
Additively Manufactured Optical Ice Detector by GKN Aces In-Flight Test Aerospace

GKN Aerospace has successfully flown an enhanced ice protection system (IPS) that allows for a more targeted and efficient defence against ice accretion. The UK company is the global leader in electro thermal IPS and flew its patented Optical Ice Detector (OID) on-board the Atmospheric Research Aircraft (ARA) operated by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM), based at Cranfield, UK. The titanium probe housing was enabled by GKN’s laser powder bed manufacturing process.


Optomec’s ALSS Development Earns NASA SBIR Contract 3D Printing Processes

Optomec, a leading global supplier of production-grade additive manufacturing systems for 3D printed electronics and 3D printed metals, today announced that the company was awarded a NASA SBIR contract for the further development of an Adaptive Laser Sintering System (ALSS) The success of this endeavor will enable electronic circuitry to be printed onto a wider variety of temperature sensitive substrates expanding its use for production applications. The fully automated system will also enable printed circuitry to be repaired or manufactured with minimal human intervention paving the way for its use in long duration NASA space missions.