
Polymer-Based AM Solutions for Aeronautics Now a Main Focus at AERNNOVA R&D 3D Printing Events

With a global workforce of of 4,300 employees, including over 1,000 engineers, Spain-based AERNNOVA is one of the largest tier 1 suppliers for the civil aviation industry. The company has long been studying the possible solutions that additive manufacturing (which in the aerospace industry is usually referred to as additive layer manufacturing or ALM) can offer even for production of large and safety critical parts. As Dr. Miguel Á. Castillo Acero, VP Technology Development AERNNOVA exclusively anticipated, the company is now concentrating much of its R&D efforts on polymer AM/ALM solutions.


Inside 3D Printing Korea conference & expo in Seoul…What’s happening in Korea? AM Industry

Last month brought a host of interesting events to South Korea, and one of the most interesting was the 2017 Inside 3D Printing Korea Conference & Expo in Seoul. Like years past, the event was held again at the expansive Kintex Exhibition Hall in Seoul. This event is in its fourth year, having its initial episode in 2014. And while that may not seem like a lot, it has been very interesting to observe the changes in the Korean market through the lens of this show.


Arkema Makes Major Investment Plan in biosourced polyamide 11 chain in Asia Research & Education

Eager to sustain its customers’ strong growth, in particular in automotive, 3D-printing, and in consumer goods markets such as sports and electronics, Arkema has made an investment plan of some 300 million euros over five years in the biosourced polyamide 11 chain. This major investment will enable the Group to increase by 50% its polyamide 11 global production capacities. The project falls in line with Arkema’s strategy to speed up its development in advanced materials, one of the key pillars of its future growth, sustained by a unique portfolio of innovations around the main sustainable development trends.


Newly Launched SAP Leonardo Innovation Services to Foster Digitalization AM Software

Enterprise software giant SAP SE launched three new SAP Leonardo Innovation Services to help businesses connect new technologies to use case scenarios with the goal of shortening time to value. These are mainly focused on leveraging network and IT tool for manufacturing but they also include streamlining the integration of 3D printing, which has been an SAP focus for the longer term.


Western Tool & Mold Adopts Stratasys’ Solution for 3D Printed Aircraft Interiors 3D Printing Service Providers

Stratasys‘ Fortus 900mc Aircraft Interiors (AI) Certification Solution has been adopted by leading parts supplier Western Tool & Mold to produce aircraft cabin components that meet stringent FAA and EASA certification requirements. Hong Kong-based Western Tool & Mold (WTM) serves the aerospace interiors market where airlines demand quick turnaround of replacement parts to improve supply chain efficiency, but are often challenged due to the unique geometries of individual components.