
Inside 3D Printing Korea conference & expo in Seoul…What’s happening in Korea? AM Industry

Last month brought a host of interesting events to South Korea, and one of the most interesting was the 2017 Inside 3D Printing Korea Conference & Expo in Seoul. Like years past, the event was held again at the expansive Kintex Exhibition Hall in Seoul. This event is in its fourth year, having its initial episode in 2014. And while that may not seem like a lot, it has been very interesting to observe the changes in the Korean market through the lens of this show.


Onshape integrates Frustum’s Generate for advanced topology optimization in the cloud AM Software

What cloud-based Onshape is doing for CAD tooling to enable innovation, Generate is doing for optimizing designs. For example, after creating an inspirational CAD design, that file can be imported into Generate for further evolutions, with topology optimization in the cloud. Together with Onshape, Generate enables creation of complex parts quickly with the ability to constrain the optimization to different manufacturing techniques.


Polymer-Based AM Solutions for Aeronautics Now a Main Focus at AERNNOVA R&D 3D Printing Events

With a global workforce of of 4,300 employees, including over 1,000 engineers, Spain-based AERNNOVA is one of the largest tier 1 suppliers for the civil aviation industry. The company has long been studying the possible solutions that additive manufacturing (which in the aerospace industry is usually referred to as additive layer manufacturing or ALM) can offer even for production of large and safety critical parts. As Dr. Miguel Á. Castillo Acero, VP Technology Development AERNNOVA exclusively anticipated, the company is now concentrating much of its R&D efforts on polymer AM/ALM solutions.