
SmarTech Publishing Releases New Report on “Huge” Dental AM Opportunity Additive Manufacturing

In 2017, 3D printing went mainstream in the dental industry. A number of high profile business ventures and acquisitions have continued to propel dental applications utilizing 3D printing technologies firmly into the sights of the largest dental services and solutions providers in the world. As the additive industry continues to transition, as a whole, towards manufacturing applications, the growth path for most existing polymer print technologies has faltered somewhat by historical comparison. This has allowed for well established, high value applications in healthcare to really shine and earn major focus of stakeholders in the industry.


Branch Technologies’ C-FAB 3D Process Can Build Better Walls… on Mars Construction 3D Printing

After a long chase and thanks to some of the people behind Chattanooga’s vibrant manufacturing startup scene, we had a chance to catch up with David Fuehrer, Director of Sales & New Business Development at Branch Technology. We spoke about the projects behind one of the hottest construction 3D printing startups, Branch Technology, how C-FAB technology is turning them into reality.


VooDoo Manufacturing Introduces Large-format 3D Printing Service with Raise3D 3D Printing Service Providers

While we have a hard time reaching out to them and get exhaustive replies to questions on Medium articles, VooDoo Manufacturing is quite an interesting company. It is one of the first 3D printer farms leveraging multiple networked low-cost 3D printers to provide production services. As such they have been behind many interesting – albeit not always practical – innovations in the 3D printing.


3D Systems Unveils $10K NextDent 5100 Dental 3D Printer and 18 Resins 3D Printer Hardware

Today, at LMT Lab Day Chicago 2018 3D Systems whose technology enables production of the largest number of orthodontic aligners in the world, unveiled the NextDent 5100 and 18 new NextDent resins — bringing the entire NextDent portfolio to 30 materials. These latest additions to the company’s renowned 3D digital dentistry portfolio, which includes solutions for dental laboratories and clinics of all sizes, enable improvements in patient care while once again revolutionizing the dental workflow.


Audi Uses SLM Solutions Metal 3D Printers for Spare Parts On-Demand Additive Manufacturing

The SLM So­lu­tions Group AG has been col­lab­o­rat­ing closely with AUDI AG for quite some time. The com­pany uses the se­lec­tive laser melt­ing process for the man­u­fac­ture of parts for pro­to­types and spare parts re­quested ex­tremely rarely. For ex­am­ple, the water adapters of the Audi W12 en­gine are man­u­fac­tured on de­mand with the SLM280.