
Freshfiber presents 3D printed Apple Watch bands in three contemporary styles Consumer Products

Like a phone case, which dresses up your smartphone and sets it apart from those around you who share the same hardware, a fun watch band for the Apple Watch lends a sense of personality and style to the increasingly popular wearable device. The latest Apple Watch bands to catch our eye are part of a 3D printed collection by Dutch designer Matthijs Kok and sold under the Freshfiber brand.


CEO Dalia Lasaite on CGTrader’s recent milestone and owing growth to 3D printing Marketing and Content

With over 1.5 million users around the globe, CGTrader is one of the leading marketplaces for 3D models. More than just hosting over 680,000 individual models, the company brings together all manner of 3D designs—from industry, professional design fields and from the maker community—and for various applications, including AR/VR and game development, computer graphics and, perhaps most notably, 3D printing.


Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH acquire Emerging Implant Technologies GmbH to broaden availability of spinal implants Marketing and Content

Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies*, through its subsidiary Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH, have acquired Emerging Implant Technologies GmbH (EIT), a privately held manufacturer of 3D-printed titanium interbody implants for spinal fusion surgery, based in Wurmlingen, Germany. The products in this portfolio leverage EIT’s proprietary advanced cellular titanium, which consists of an open and interconnected porous structure designed to allow bone to grow into the implant. As an industry leader across the full range of orthopaedic and spine specialties, Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies will leverage its global commercial infrastructure to bring EIT’s technologies to patients around the world.


BMF Material Technology streamlines client communication, CAD optimization with Onshape platform 3D Printing Service Providers

BMF Material Technology, a Chinese company specializing in micro- and nanoscale 3D printing, is partnering with Massachusetts-based CAD platform Onshape to offer its clients Onshape’s real-time data management tools. BMF Material Technologies hopes the integration of Onshape’s platform will enable it to speed up communication with its clients in order to realize optimized CAD models in a streamlined and cost efficient manner.


Evolve Additive Solutions sends first STEP AM system to client for Alpha development 3D Printing Processes

Evolve Additive Solutions, Inc. announced this week that it has shipped its first STEP additive manufacturing system to an undisclosed client, described only as “a large manufacturing company with an iconic brand name and the undisputed leader in their field.” The AM system, now in its Alpha development stage, will be further refined and adapted to a manufacturing setting with the help of the strategic partner.


3DZ named ‘Master Reseller’ for 3D Systems Italian sales operations AM Industry

Leading AM hardware OEM 3D Systems has officialized a 3DZ Master Reseller Agreement. This agreement means that its international distributor 3DZ has achieved a status where it has become 3D Systems official partner in Italy. This status is based on 3DZ’s experience, expertise, capabilities, and resources in representing 3D Systems across its metal and plastics printers for additive manufacturing including the associated supply of official materials.