
GE Additive teams up with Autodesk to streamline metal AM workflow AM Software

As part of its updated software strategy, GE Additive is teaming up Autodesk to streamline the metal 3D printing process through the development of an integrated workflow software for GE Additive systems. The workflow will combine the Autodesk Fusion 360 platform with GE Additive Build Preparation interfaces to connect all stages of the AM process, from design and simulation to printing and machine analytics.


GE Additive to ship first M LINE FACTORY metal AM systems in Q2 2019 3D Printing Events

With a company as large and as influential as GE Additive, you can bet it doesn’t have one single announcement during Formnext. For instance, the company already announced its subsidiary AP&C would begin production of aluminum alloy F357 powder in Q1 2019. In a separate piece of news, the company has also announced that the first Concept Laser M LINE FACTORY systems are expected to be delivered in Q2 2019.


HP reveals new partnerships and new MJF applications at Formnext 3D Printing Events

Though HP arguably made its biggest splash of the year in September when it announced its Metal Jet 3D printing technology, the influential company has saved some exciting tidbits for Formnext as well. Notably, the company has announced new strategic partnerships, including new clients, new applications and a new software collaboration. The company is also showcasing a range of its technologies, including Metal Jet printing, at Formnext this week.